Friday, February 18, 2011

2/18/2011 No I will not do your job for you!

I often get ticked off when I am asked to do the work of someone offering a service to me.

I will just stare back at the grocery store checker at Safeway when they have completed scanning the bar codes over the laser.  I pay the bill and then they give you the look as if,  are you going to start bagging now?

No, I don't work for Safeway and I do not get a paycheck from Safeway.

At the airport when standing in line for the check-in counter, being told by the employee standing right next to your bag, to lift your bag and place it on their scale for weighing.

Hello!, I just paid for your airline to take me and my bags to my desired destination.  Once I am in the airport standing in line at your counters, I am your highest priority!   No I will not pick up my bag and place it on the scale.  How about exerting some energy and giving some service.  I do not work for United, American, Delta or Southwest.   I do not get a paycheck from your airline.  I am your customer and I vote with my dollars whom I wish to travel with next time.

Dial 2 and enter in your account number.   Hello AT&T I think that you can retain that information from your computers to see what line I am calling from.  I also gave that information to the last bureaucrat I talked to!
No I will not do any labor for you, AT&T does not pay may paycheck.

If you have a job to do for me, do not ask me to do it for you!

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