Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/16/2011 Nutella and other sins


So here it is a rainy day by the San Francisco Bay.   Mom and I both have colds.  We are both coughing and sneezing and generally feeling crummy.

Have you ever tried the Nutella hazelnut and chocolate spread.  In checking their website, you can see that it a division of Ferrero Rocher chocolate company.  It is so very good and spreads very easily over toast.  If you can imagine a See's candy melted and spread on toast, that is what Nutella delivers.  I am so glad I tried something different in the peanut butter aisle in Lucky's supermarket.

If you read my first posting, I will be eventually moving to French Lick West Baden Indiana.   I hope that the stores there are carrying Nutella.   I am going to have to stock up if they don't.  

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