Sunday, January 22, 2012

20120122 Don't call that agent

House hunters,

You're driving down the street and you see a house that is of interest to you. What do you do?   Most people will get out of the car and get a flyer for the house and then call the agent listed for that house.

The agent on the house flyer for that house is the listing agent.  That agent is under contract to the seller to find them a buyer and get the highest price for the seller.

Do you want that agent representing you also?.....This is what is called double ending in the Real Estate industry.

You want to call an agent that will represent you as the buyer.  That agent's role is to get you the home at the best price possible and to guide you through all the inspections, contingencies, contracts and escrow issues.  You want someone on your side.

Do you really want someone who knows the seller's low number AND your high number when it comes to negotiation?

Remember that agent has already a relationship with the seller, whom he or she is selling the house for.

Get yourself a great buyer's agent that will be on your side from day one.


Here's a helpful hint ask your agent for a stack of business cards.  When visiting an open house hand the listing agent your agent's card.  It says to the listing agent that you are represented by a buyers agent.   They will in the most part leave you alone and not hassle you.

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