Saturday, October 17, 2015

I don't trust Siri

Call me sciencephobic. 

I was always taught that Mercury and Venus were between earth and the sun which would mean you would only be able to see those two planets when the earth was facing daylight from the sun. 

Mercury and Venus would appeared to be black dots in front the sun, if you wanted to look at the sun. 

But over and over again you hear of alignments between Mercury, Venus and the outer planets being visible together in our night-time sky.

How can planets that are between the Sun and Earth be visible with planets on the Earth to Pluto side?

Really, how are Venus and Mercury getting on the other side of Earth to be in our nighttime sky?  

For this to happen their orbits would have to be greater than Earth's orbit making earth the closest to the sun what is going on?

Someone please explain

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