Saturday, April 30, 2011

20110430 Let's solve the national budget

1) Ground Air Force One for daily use and fundraising trips.  Use of the executive jet to be used to go to funerals of world leaders and when needed to evacuate the President in case of a threat to Washington D.C.

All other trips can be and should be substituted with secured teleconferencing from the oval office. There will be plenty of time for vacation after your term is over.

2) Banks--- It was in large part due to your bad loans causing this collapse of the Real Estate Market.  Stop flooding the market with your foreclosure mistakes.  Stopping the flood of foreclosures on the market, you will help save the value of the surrounding homeowners in each neighborhood. 

If you must foreclose on homes keep them in your inventory.  Set up a property management subsidiary and rent the houses back to homeowners that are foreclosed upon.   I wouldn't suggest that the homeowners that lost that house rent as part of that program.  Let the dislocated homeowners move in as tenants into another home as a renter in the same town or city.  Let's make the rent fair and equitable.

3) If someone is in our country illegally, we need to stop pandering to them and supporting them with our public services and assistance.

4) We need to go back to the constitution and reexamine our spending habits.  If it's not in your charter, we don't require you to spend a dime on it.  Do not expect the public to sponsor your pet projects.

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